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The company Business Lease Slovakia won the most prestigious world award in the approach to customers Customer Centricity World Series Awards 2022, awarded by ARCET Global. Among the 300 competitive presentations of companies from 34 countries around the world, the transformation and successful growth strategy of Business Lease Slovakia convinced the international jury the most in the company transformation category. In order to differentiate, the company built on the concepts of employee and customer experience.

Within the individual steps, it relied above all on a strong human approach and its own people. She started the change primarily from the satisfaction of the employees, without whom the transformation would have been very difficult. Subsequently, the company's employees moved to customers and started implementing changes on the way to becoming the most client-oriented company.

There were a lot of changes. However, the company persevered, humbly and step by step adapted one by one. The decision to go the customer experience route now allows the company to grow healthily and successfully.

" For Business Lease Slovakia, this award is of incredible value. It is a confirmation that our strategic decision to go the way of customer experience was the right one, and the energy we put into the transformation of the company was well invested. A big thank you goes to all my colleagues ," says the executive director of Business Lease Slovakia, Lucia Čišková. The company is a provider of comprehensive mobility in Slovakia, including operational leasing for individuals and legal entities.


Business Lease has been working with the concept of Customer Experience or Customer Centricity since 2019.

"During this period, we understood the meaning, adopted the methodology, theoretical foundations, introduced "Customer Feedback Coffee sessions", implemented the customer experience management process, defined roles, drew four customer journeys and implemented 10 SWAT projects using the Design thinking method. Anyway, we managed to transform our company into a customer-oriented one, including changing the company culture, which played a huge part in the success of the transformation. And that's why we decided to share our story, get feedback from renowned evaluators from all over the world and perhaps inspire other companies that deal with CX," explains Lucia Čišková. For her personally, the award is also a satisfaction.

" It's an incredible feeling to be number one in the world. And I'm glad that my transformation strategy was rated as the world's most successful. At the same time, I am pleased that the award and overall change in our company's strategy will contribute to increasing the value of Business Lease, which can mean a lot for our AutoBinck Group, based in Utrecht, the Netherlands ," he notes.

There are not many companies with such an approach in Slovakia. According to the survey of the company Lighting Beetle, up to half of the companies do not work with customers and customer experience in our country, only a quarter realize its contribution to the growth of the company and could reap success for it in the future. It is also a fact that we are one to two years behind the global trend in terms of customer experience. According to the survey, proactive individuals still do not feel supported by top management to develop the customer experience.

"We knew that there were not many such companies in Slovakia. We didn't know what it was like in the world. However, we wanted to compete with companies from all over the world, and it turned out that we do it well and are the world number one," he says.


The key to the success of Business Lease was the successful change of strategy and vision after 2018, defining values and corporate culture. "We started with the employees and the internal environment. When we had it, we rushed at the customers and wanted to look at our business through their eyes," he explains. This was also highly appreciated by the jury, as was the involvement of employees in the changes, as well as the results of employee and customer satisfaction surveys, their participation in the creation of company values, exceptional financial results and the growth of the vehicle fleet.

The jury highlighted the clarity, comprehensibility and structure of the individual steps of the transformation and the way the company dealt with the unpleasant facts of 2018 . balance . They also liked the use of 3 inspirational leaders Warren Buffet, Richard Branson and Jack Ma, who we actually use in the company to visualize our key goals," says Lucia Čišková.

They also saw her personal commitment as a company leader and top-level perspective to move the company forward as a strong moment. "From the beginning, my goal was to make Business Lease one of the best and most successful companies in Slovakia. But I got the real wind in my sails only when I realized that our results have been improving continuously for three years in a row, in the areas of financial indicators, vehicle fleet, client and employee satisfaction. And that was last year, 2021," he explains.

That's when she started looking for growth opportunities with the team. "One of them is precisely the customer experience, which helped us to the next growth opportunity, and that is the strategic partnership with VÚB bank, through which we will get our operational leasing product closer to customers throughout Slovakia. The vision of being the most client-oriented company means constantly working on improvements, and that's what we do at Business Lease," he adds.


2022 should be a growth year for Business Lease, full of improvements to the customer experience with a strong emphasis on keeping employees happy.

"It will be a challenging year. We are working on the implementation of a strategic partnership with VÚB, we are dedicated to the electrification of company fleets, another customer experience project, we are preparing for digital transformation and we are moving forward the product for retail customers. It is clearly a year of growth for us with activities that increase the value of our company in the future," adds the executive director of Business Lease Slovakia.


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